ETF constituents for LU1407893301

Below, a list of constituents for LU1407893301 (Lyxor Core UK Government Inflation-Linked Bond (DR) UCITS ETF - Dist) is shown. In total, LU1407893301 consists of 27 securities.

Note: The data shown here is as of date 2021-11-10 00:00:00 (the latest that can be sourced directly from the fund provider).

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Instrument Type Ticker Bloomberg ISIN Instrument Name % weight Sector Spot underlying Underlying Currency
Bond nan GB0008983024 UKTI 2 1/2 07/17/24 0.07834494875713557 Government 367.10198974609375 GBP
Bond nan GB0031790826 UKTI 2 01/26/35 0.050418102235446176 Government 315.4100036621094 GBP
Bond nan GB00BDX8CX86 TSY 0 1/8% 2068 I/L GILT 0.04865672547698005 Government 310.1600036621094 GBP
Bond nan GB00B0CNHZ09 UKTI 1 1/4 11/22/55 0.048334272498172355 Government 293.2699890136719 GBP
Bond nan GB00B4PTCY75 UKTI 0 3/8 03/22/62 0.04589169798778549 Government 278.9100036621094 GBP
Bond nan GB0008932666 UKTI 4 1/8 07/22/30 0.04295472380089792 Government 391.8699951171875 GBP
Bond nan GB00B421JZ66 UKTI 0 1/2 03/22/50 0.03970667373135281 Government 222.9600067138672 GBP
Bond nan GB00B24FFM16 UKTI 0 3/4 11/22/47 0.03874833986293307 Government 221.24000549316406 GBP
Bond nan GB00B7RN0G65 UKTI 0 1/8 03/22/44 0.03669094020194903 Government 181.92999267578125 GBP
Bond nan GB00B1L6W962 UKTI 1 1/8 11/22/37 0.036611912056216056 Government 181.77000427246094 GBP
Bond nan GB00B3LZBF68 UKTI 0 5/8 03/22/40 0.03650194802027203 Government 180.35000610351562 GBP
Bond nan GB00B3MYD345 UKTI 0 5/8 11/22/42 0.035500215872503356 Government 192.88999938964844 GBP
Bond nan GB00B73ZYW09 UKTI 0 1/4 03/22/52 0.03516048892697741 Government 221.35000610351562 GBP
Bond nan GB00B3D4VD98 UKTI 1 1/4 11/22/32 0.033255359568218165 Government 157.88999938964844 GBP
Bond nan GB00BP9DLZ64 UKTI 0 1/8 03/22/58 0.03227008825743698 Government 242.49000549316406 GBP
Bond nan GB00BYMWG366 UKTI 0 1/8 03/22/46 0.030820224186855653 Government 189.5 GBP
Bond nan GB00B46CGH68 UKTI 0 3/4 03/22/34 0.030484314247007968 Government 156.19000244140625 GBP
Bond nan GB00B128DH60 UKTI 1 1/4 11/22/27 0.03027760457330503 Government 132.8000030517578 GBP
Bond nan GB00BD9MZZ71 UKTI 0 1/8 11/22/65 0.027912190026294532 Government 287.739990234375 GBP
Bond nan GB00BZ13DV40 UKTI 0 1/8 08/10/48 0.026763165475871778 Government 200.77999877929688 GBP
Bond nan GB00B3Y1JG82 UKTI 0 1/8 03/22/29 0.026181100670278967 Government 129.32699584960938 GBP
Bond nan GB00BYZW3J87 UKTI 0 1/8 11/22/36 0.026108046676038894 Government 156.99000549316406 GBP
Bond nan GB00B1Z5HQ14 UKTI 1 7/8 11/22/22 0.025835476854184934 Government 107.68299865722656 GBP
Bond nan GB00BZ1NTB69 UKTI 0 1/8 08/10/28 0.025500690847787402 Government 127.66799926757812 GBP
Bond nan GB00BGDYHF49 UKTI 0 1/8 08/10/41 0.024074415939498526 Government 174.2100067138672 GBP
Bond nan GB00B85SFQ54 UKTI 0 1/8 03/22/24 0.021616244122458064 Government 110.56099700927734 GBP
Bond nan GB00BYVP4K94 UKTI 0 1/8 11/22/56 0.019819230777527484 Government 236.24000549316406 GBP